Bus trip this morning - 29/09/23
Dear Sir/Madam,
I hope you're well. I just wanted to send a quick email as, this morning, I was on my way to work on the 493 when a class trip (Year5/6?) from your school got on the bus.
Every single child looked at the bus driver and wished him good morning. I work in schools myself, and I was so impressed with how lovely and polite they all were. They were all such a testament to what I imagine is a really wonderful and happy school - it made my morning!
Best wishes,
A member of the public
‘Roehampton Church School provides its pupils with a nurturing and safe space to learn. The environment promotes self-development and confidence, where pupils are encouraged to develop a range of skills. The inclusive environment assists pupils in building confidence through an array of learning opportunities which in turn, promote motivation and helps to create aspirations for the future’
Local Authority Social worker - May 2023