Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
At Roehampton Church School, it is our intention that children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) are supported to achieve their potential through access to quality first class teaching and appropriately differentiated learning activities and approaches. We have high expectations for all pupils and are committed to ensuring that our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Needs and Disability Regulation 2014. We intend to help provide our children with the knowledge and skills they need to live fulfilling and independent lives. It is our intention that parents are fully engaged in decision-making regarding their SEND children and views of the child will also be taken into account where necessary.
SEND children are supported at Roehampton Church School through quality first class teaching and appropriately differentiated learning activities and approaches. Some children may need further differentiation or interventions to enable them to progress, and sometimes external support is needed from external agencies such as Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy or Educational Psychologists. If your child requires these agencies the SENCO will make a referral with the agreement of the child’s parent.
The school SEND register is kept up to date and regularly reviewed, including data on primary needs, diagnoses. Individual support plans are written for all children on the SEND register and include termly targets around their areas of need.
If we find we are unable to meet the child’s needs a request for a statutory assessment will be made to the local education authority. Parents are kept informed at all stages and have a key role to play in supporting their children’s learning.
Our SEND pupils will have full access to the curriculum and will make expected or more progress. They will be happy, safe and all their needs will be met. SEND pupils will have the opportunity to give their views on their progress and needs.
To find out more, please read our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information Report or contact our Special Education Needs Co-ordinator, Mrs Ruth Azurdia. Appointments can be made through the school office on 020 8788 8650.
Further information about support and services for pupils and their families can be found below: