Board of Governors
Responsible, Caring & Secure
At Roehampton Church of England School, our Vision Statement and Values are fundamental in all that we do as a school and this includes guaranteeing our Board of Governors are proactively involved with the embedding of our Vision and Values through the work that they do; working collaboratively with the school as outlined below.
The Board of Governors currently consists of 14 members:
- 5 elected by Holy Trinity Church, Parochial Church Council (PCC);
- 2 appointed by the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education (SDBE);
- 1 appointed by the Local Education Authority;
- 2 elected by parents;
- 1 elected by staff;
- 1 Co-opted governor;
- The Headteacher and Holy Trinity Church Vicar (ex-officio) are also Governors.
Please see the Governor links below for a full list of the Board of Governors and their profile. If you require assistance from any of the Governors then, in the first instance, you should contact them through the school office.
The Chair of the Board of Governors
The Chair of the Board of Governors is Rev. Joshua Rey.
The Vice Chairs of the Board of Governors
The Vice Chairs of the Board of Governors are Mr Peter Anthony & Cllr. Ethan Brooks.
Committee Chairs:
The Chair of the Curriculum Committee is Cllr. Ethan Brooks.
The Chair of the Finance Committee is Mrs Alessandra Perosa.
The Chair of the Personnel Committee is Mr David Fletcher.
Governor Leads
The following Governors have designated roles to support and advise the development the Board of Governors. They are as follows:
- The Designated Safeguarding Governor Lead at Roehampton Church School is Mr Mick Mitridate
- The Designated SEND Governor Lead at Roehampton Church School is TBC.
- The Designated GDPR Governor is Rev. Joshua Rey.
- The Designated Governor who looks at Pupil Premium Funding is Cllr. Ethan Brooks.
- The Designated Wellbeing Governor is TBC.
Clerk to the Governors is Joanne Saich and can be contacted by email on:
Register of Pecuniary/Business Interest
The Governing Body is required to establish and maintain a register of pecuniary interests. This lists, for each member of the Governing Body and staff responsible for spending public funds, any business interests they, or any member of their immediate family have. This register is signed at every Full Governing Meeting and held by Joanne Saich, clerk to the governors.
If you would like to contact the clerk, please email: