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Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
By the end of the EYFS, the children will have had the experience of using their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes. They will have played tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments rhythmically and musically to accompany songs. They will have experimented with different ways of changing sounds and songs. They will have listened to a range of recorded music and be able to express how the music makes them feel.

Key Stage 1 (KS1)
By the end of KS1, the children will have listened to a variety of music from different styles, traditions and times; starting to recognise and identify very simple style indicators and different instruments used.

When listening to music they will start to find and internalise the pulse using movement; beginning to: listen with respect, verbalise their own opinion and listen to other people’s ideas and feelings towards the music.

Children at RCS will be able to discuss the simple dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics), and how they fit into the music they listen to; beginning to understand this through activity and feeling with repeated games and activities.

In addition to which, they will begin to understand the importance of why we warm up our voices, good posture, breathing in phrases and projecting their voices and understand how to compose simple melodies.

Children at RCS will have had the opportunity to begin to learn how to play the recorder and other percussion instruments; through their lessons and music clubs, they will practise, rehearse and present performances with awareness of an audience and begin to realise that performance can influence how music is presented.

They will understand the importance of working together in an ensemble or as part of a group. They will do this by singing in a group, ensemble or choir for school performances and events over the school year.

Key Stage 2 (KS2)
By the end of KS2, the children will be able to listen with concentration to a variety of music from different styles, traditions and times and place the music in its historical context.  They will identify different style indicators, instruments and their sounds.

When listening to the music, they will be able to confidently find and internalise the pulse using movement and understand the pulse and its role as the foundation of music. They will be able to use correct musical language to describe the music they are listening to and their feelings towards it.

The children are introduced to basic formal notation. They will use an instrument to play melodies, tunes and accompaniments; such as the recorder, ukulele and other musical instruments, which form part of their lessons and music club. In addition to which, they will play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts playing familiar pieces with increasing accuracy, control and maintain an appropriate pulse. Being given the opportunity to practise, rehearse and present performances with more understanding and awareness of an audience and their needs.

They will communicate ideas, thoughts and feelings through musical demonstration, language and movement, and other art forms, giving simple justifications of reasons for responses; having opportunities to make constructive comments about each other’s work and ways to improve it.


At RCS, music is delivered on a weekly basis by our specialist, Mr Allen, from Wandsworth Music. Mr Allen delivers our music curriculum from Years 1-6.  All areas of the music curriculum for each of the Key Stages are addressed in these lessons and additional music club.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage music is delivered in a cross-curricular manner, and is woven into the curriculum wherever possible in line with the Expressive Arts and Design strand of the Early Learning Goals. Provision for exploring a range of instruments both in the indoor and outdoor learning environments is made on a regular basis. Songs are taught which reflect the topics that are being covered.

Along with the class teachers, Mr Allen, will use a variety of learning styles to ensure all children have access to the curriculum.  Children will get opportunities to explore instruments first-hand and to creatively experiment with a range of sounds. In KS1 the children will begin to learn to play the recorder. Once in KS2 the children receive the opportunity to continue to learn the recorder and begin to learn the ukulele. Teachers strive to meet the needs of all individual learners in their teaching of music. This may include; the use of flexible groupings and the promotion of listening skills or exploration of a variety of musical notation methods. (Please see our SEND/Equality Statement of Intent/Implementation for more information on ways in which we seek to ensure that all pupils have opportunities to succeed across all curriculum areas.  All pupils in KS1 and KS2 will have a term where they focus on a singing project, which culminates in a collaborative Wandsworth Schools' music concert at a music concert hall e.g. The Royal Albert Hall, The Royal Festival Hall or Fairfield Hall. Parents are invited to attend the concerts.

Additional comment
In our capacity as a church school, the children all attend and take part in annual Christian events such as the EYFS & KS1 Nativity, KS2 Christmas Production, Carols by Candlelight, Easter Church Service and Harvest Church Service, where they learn and perform songs in class groups and as a whole school to parents and carers.

We offer additional opportunities for all, including our children with Special Educational Needs, to join the school choir and whole year groups that take part in special annual events in and around the borough such as The Mayors Carol Concert, Wandsworth singing projects, which include children performing at The Royal Albert Hall, The Royal Festival Hall and Fairfield Hall.